Automated Mailing

There are a few things you should keep in mind when collecting the guests emails:

1. Avoid business email addresses. Normally corporate email settings have an overprotection and the anti-virus software blocks unrecognised senders.
2. There is always a proportion of emails that end up in spam. It’s unavoidable even with all the preventive actions we apply.
3. Emails will be sent from our corporate email -, yet the sender will be mentioned as you name it. This way we minimise the percentage of undelivered emails, as if we use your gmail, for instance, mailing programs will more certainly recognise it as spam.
4. We send the invitations twice: once to the full list, and then to all the non-openers, who we can see in the report. We always provide such a report of those who opened and clicked and how many times, so you are kept posted.
5. Email layout will be created according to the website style chosen.
6. Timing: 1 week from receiving your content

This feature is included into Full package